Parent Information

At Kingsdale Academy, we help students develop a curiosity and a love for learning.

Helping You Stay Safe

The school must have up-to-date medical information and emergency phone numbers to reach a parent/guardian. If there are any changes to this information, please advise the office immediately.

School Expectations

  • Lates: Being late disrupts the morning routine of the class and interferes with instruction. Many children feel self-conscious entering class late and this does not set them up to have the most successful day.
    Please contact the office if there are extenuating circumstances that cause frequent lates or for assistance in setting up a routine to allow your child to arrive on time to school.
    Children arriving late must sign in at the main office.
  • Absences: For the safety and well-being of the students, all absences must be reported to the main office phone line before 9:00 am on the day of the absence.
  • Visitors: All visitors and volunteers are required to sign in at the main office and receive their visitor/volunteer badge.
  • Valuables: As neither the school nor the bus company are responsible for any lost or stolen items, students are discouraged from bringing items of any value to school or on the bus. This includes toys, collectables and electronics.

Emergency School Closing

Whenever possible, an email message will be sent out to all families to inform them of unplanned school closures (ie “snow days”, etc…). The school & school board social media accounts and local radio stations will also have updated information about school closures.  Should the school be closed or lose power, the office will not be open to receiving calls or emails.

Medication and Illness

Any medication that a student is required to take at school is to be given to the SEED Coordinator (Miss Lisa), or the administrative assistant (Sylvie). In order for medication to be provided to students at school, a Medication Distribution Form must be filled out and returned to the main office ahead of time. Additionally, medication needs to be in its original bottle. This includes Epipens and asthma medications.

Not feeling well?  If your child is too sick to go outside during recess, they need to stay home and rest. We cannot accommodate parental requests for indoor recess for individual students. If your child becomes sick during the day and we deem that they are too ill to remain at school, they must be picked up in a timely manner.

Not feeling well? If your child is too sick to go outside during recess, they need to stay home and rest. We cannot honor parental requests for indoor recess for individual students.

Dress Code

The purpose of the Kingsdale dress code is to create an environment of equity and cohesion. Aspects of the dress code are important to promote student safety. Parents/guardians are asked to support these goals by ensuring their child(ren) adhere to the dress code.

Dress code violations will be treated as minor infractions and will be addressed with discretion and sensitivity. If a child is consistently noncompliant with the dress code, administration will investigate and implement interventions aligned with the circumstances. Please inform administration of any extenuating circumstances that interfere with your child’s compliance with the dress code.

  • Kingsdale students are expected to dress in plain red, white or navy tops and plain navy bottoms.
  • Hoodies, sweaters and/or any additional items being worn indoors at school must also adhere to the dress code.
  • Indoor shoes must be worn at all times while in the building.
  • Shoes with wheels or heels are not permitted.
  • Hats, hoods, and headgear (except for religious or medical purposes) are permitted outdoors only (except for when students entering and exiting the building).
  • Teal Kingsdale t-shirts and other spirit wear may be worn on Fridays.


Please identify all clothing (using clothing labels or a permanent marker on the label) and clearly mark all of your child’s belongings.



Change of Routine

Same day changes to the dismissal routine should only occur in emergencies and must be communicated to the main office before noon.

In general, for the safety of your child, we ask that you establish a regular routine at dismissal. Whether a child uses daycare, takes the bus, or walks to school; it is important to be consistent.

  • If there are any changes to the routine of your child at dismissal, communicate this with your child’s teacher (by email, SeeSaw, etc…) and notify the office. Please make arrangements with family, neighbors, or friends in cases where you get held-up in traffic and will not be home or at the bus stop to greet your child.
  • Students are not permitted to ride any bus other than the one they are assigned to. If students wish to visit with friends after school who are on a different bus route, arrangements must be made from home for alternate transportation.
  • If a student wishes to disembark their assigned bus at an alternate stop, they must have a signed written permission note from a parent or guardian.
  • Arrangements for visiting with friends after school must be made in advance from home. Students will not be permitted to use the office phone to make social arrangements.
  • Students who need to leave early from school (ie, for a medical appointment) must be signed out at the main office.


Riding the Bus: Student behavior needs to be respectful and safe. Bus rules must be followed. Students will not be allowed to ride on the bus if their behavior endangers their safety or the safety of other children and the driver. Bus transportation is a privilege, not a right

Field Trips

A permission slip needs to be signed every time a student goes on a field trip. Participation in field trips is contingent on ensuring the safety and well-being of all students being upheld. In some cases a parent chaperone may be required or a student may not be permitted to attend. Deadlines for returning permission forms must be respected.

Homework Policy

At Kingsdale, we recognize the importance of fostering a well-rounded education that encompasses both academic learning and personal development. Homework can be a valuable tool to reinforce classroom instruction, encourage independent learning, and develop organizational skills. However, we also believe in allowing flexibility and autonomy to our dedicated teachers in designing their homework assignments based on their classroom dynamics and students’ individual needs, and therefore the type and amount of homework will vary between teachers. No matter the grade level of your child, you can always support their academic success by reading in both languages, practicing mental math in real life situations, and speaking in French regularly.

It is important that homework should not be excessive, as children must experience a variety of non-school related activities and experiences in order to develop all aspects of his or her own character as an individual. Please let your child’s teacher know if your child is experiencing great difficulty or frustration.

We value your guidance and support. Everyone needs to experience the feeling of accomplishment when providing one’s best effort. Parents/guardians play a valuable role by discussing homework and being a supportive coach.  

Communication With the School

  • Teachers may choose to communicate with parents using an online system (email, SeeSaw, Class Dojo, etc…) or agenda/folder system. Please try to respect these preferences. Teacher email addresses are available on the school website.
  • If you wish to speak with or meet the teacher, you may either call the school to leave a message for the teacher to contact you, or you can message them requesting an appointment.
  • Three formal report cards, one interview night, and one other information-sharing event (an additional interview, portfolio, etc…) as listed on the school calendar, are scheduled to keep you updated as to your child’s progress.

Nut-Free Environment

Kingsdale Academy has been designated a nut-safe environment. Amongst our student population, we have several children who have deadly peanut allergies. For them, contact with traces of peanut residue on a table or a doorknob can bring on an anaphylactic shock and, if not treated immediately, death.

No food that contains peanuts or nuts is permitted. Students are asked NOT to share their food.

Please do not send peanut butter or peanuts to school in any form (i.e. sandwiches, chocolates, snacks, or crackers). Please respect these rules even when packing field trip lunches and daycare snacks. Please explain to your child that a student with a nut allergy does not have to ingest the product to have fatal consequences.

Thank you for your cooperation in making Kingsdale Academy a safe school for everyone!

Parent Notices

Important communication from the school can be found here