Governing Board

The Governing Board is a representative body composed of parents, teachers, representatives from both the non-teaching professionals and support staff, daycare, and the school community. Their mandate is to work in partnership to ensure that all students receive the best possible learning opportunities. The school principal attends the meetings, but is not a member and cannot vote.

The board’s primary responsibilities are to adopt and oversee the school’s educational project and the school’s operating budget. The board must also approve proposals from the principal on the approach for implementing the basic school regulation, proposals for adapting and enriching Ministry programs, time allocation for each subject, field trips, use of school premises, student fees and the approach for implementing student and special education services (SSD & ESD). The board must also be consulted on textbooks and instructional materials used, as well as establishes the principles for determining the costs of documents for student use and the list of school supplies.

The school board may also consult the governing board on various governance, policy and spending issues. 

The governing board meets monthly and is open to the public.

Members 2022-2023

Parent Representatives

Debbie Begg 

Tiffany Bowens

Pamela Eid

Adam Feldstain

Mahmoud Kamel

Benan Maji

Ben Pattison

Greg Piggins (Chair)

Parent Alternates

Dominique Beland 

Gautamn Patel

Staff Representatives

Yara Camel-Toueg 

Lia Ciarallo

Jennifer Galang

Maria Khalil

Sarah Kuchinsky

Lori Marchitello

Lisa Morenstein

Tara Tumin

Community Representatives



Kathryn Byrne (Ex-Officio)

Meeting Date



November 8, 2022

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